Some holidays are unlawful.
07 August 2023, 74 views
Of course I am talking about the summer holidays! Unrelated, but please do not read if you live in the North Pole. Thanks!
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Answer to the question: What is this?
Some holidays are unlawful.
07 August 2023, 74 views
Of course I am talking about the summer holidays! Unrelated, but please do not read if you live in the North Pole. Thanks!
Daily issues would make horrible campfire stories.
28 July 2023, 50 views
Monsters are common in campfire stories. I wanted to write my own, then realized how weird they sound when they are about daily issues.
Less is more.
21 July 2023, 59 views
We don't need to be all friends.
14 July 2023, 116 views
We are all taught to become that one perfect person, not realizing it means sacrificing a part of being ourselves. There needs to be a midway.
Rich people don't enjoy their wealth to the fullest.
07 July 2023, 80 views
Mansions? Yachts? How boring. There are a lot of dumb things you can do if you have an exorbitant amount of money to waste with no consequences.
Chess is a fever dream.
28 June 2023, 85 views
One of the oldest board games that is still regularly played, millions of players per year, yet we oversee the absurdity of the entire situation.
I am glad we STILL haven't invented teleportation.
21 June 2023, 42 views
Can you imagine the issues it may bring? It creates-- yadda yadda. You have read that before, haven't you?
I am glad we haven't invented teleportation.
14 June 2023, 1534 views
Can you imagine the issues it may bring? It creates so many other problems than it solves. I am happy in my room, knowing that no one will teleport inside.
Hangman is brutal.
07 June 2023, 71 views
Why is it that using a swear word in front of a child is bad, but gamifying some severed flesh hung on a rope with a child isn't? Where do we draw the line?
Showers are designed to not show anything.
28 May 2023, 80 views
I think about language quite often and it quite baffles me how inconsistent it is. The same word could be a synonym and an antonym of itself at the same time, but somehow we still understand it.
It is inspiring how they did surgery on a grape.
21 May 2023, 60 views
I believe we have to learn that not everything has to be done for a reason. We are on our free will to take a challenge that is utterly ridiculous and pointless, for the sake of it.
It is difficult to define what's empty and what's full.
14 May 2023, 63 views
The debate for the half-empty versus half-full glass has gone so far that someone is going to write an entire paper on the definition of a fully half emptied glass or something. Oh. I may have just done that.
We are bad at naming things as a species.
07 May 2023, 63 views
Look, I am just bored at this point. I remembered of the time we named our own dog, but I wanted to think of terrible names for them.
Socks may be much more than what we think they are.
28 April 2023, 71 views
Debates are fun, especially if there is not logical conclusion. Then we can make a trainwreck of an argument and it would still make sense in context.
Humans are wild, figuratively.
21 April 2023, 75 views
Although news about humans are often negative, there are some positive but insane things we achieved overall.
Vegan tomatoes do not contain meat products.
14 April 2023, 119 views
Sometimes we use the language in a way that is technically correct and super precise, to the point it becomes suspicious.
Intros just keep getting longer.
07 April 2023, 115 views
I despise the obligation to read someone's life story before I eventually get to the cooking recipe, just to realize this is not the recipe I was looking for.